Dev Diary 2024-08-07
Now that I’m nearly done the awful work of migrating this blog’s handwritten Markdown into ox-hugo generated Markdown, I can start writing a post about the migration process, which I thought could be done in a couple evenings but turned into a week of tedious text munging.
Dev Diary 2024-07-30
The first Cookstyle community hackfest is in the books, and I’m hoping to see more folks using it to make their Chef code sparkle.
Dev Diary 2024-07-26
Super excited to be leading a Cookstyle community hackfest coming up on July 30th, drop in if you want to learn how to write Cookstyle/RuboCop rules or play around with the Ruby AST. This stuff melts your brain in the best way :-)
Dev Diary 2022-02-04
Dev Diary 2022-01-18
Strangely enough, I’d started a few dev diaries over 2021, but never got around to publishing them. 2022 is starting out alright, so thought I’d share the latest (after accidentally clobbering the rough draft concatenating all the old diary links into this one, of course).
Dev Diary 2020-11-08
I set up a Windows 10 machine for the first time (I can’t even remember the last time I did a fresh install of Windows), and the setup experience was somehow more horrible than I remember.
Dev Diary 2020-07-16
TIL there’s an Arctic Code Vault to hold open-source project code for 1,000 years. It’s a great sentiment, but given humanity’s track record of keeping older machine’s running, I suspect the humans in 1,000 years will have trouble getting the kernel to compile on their 80386 (well, at least any new ones since they dropped 80386 support a few versions ago).
Dev Diary 2020-07-15
Today I’m going to sing praise to the iCalendar format. With a simple text-based format, you can directly integrate into people’s calendar programs. Why go through all the bother and fuss of using Facebook or Meetup, when a static ics file on a static server can let everyone know the time and place. Ah, if only everything could be this easy.
Dev Diary 2020-07-13
Today’s project was writing a command-line version of the CrushEntropy format. I like the ability to play around with relative time blocks in it, but there’s a few other features I’ve wanted (like “find the next free space for this thing”), and the ability to keep my calendars off-line and easily searchable.
Dev Diary 2020-07-12
Today felt like a good day to get my repositories in order. I’ve been using GitHub kind of by default since I moved my personal stuff to git so many years ago. However, I’ve largely treated GitHub like a dumb static server with a few neat tricks, since I do a lot of stuff client-side.
Dev Diary 2020-07-09
In a fit of boredom before going to bed last night, I decided to pull Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming off the bookshelf (more accurately, from the stack of books on my office floor). I bought the series a few years ago, but avoided it because it looked a bit intimidating. I also assumed that I needed to read through Concrete Mathematics first, but the problem I find with most textbooks is that they’re a little hard to read on the couch while drinking a coffee.
Dev Diary 2020-07-08
The new CoffeeOutside bot has finally managed to successfully call its first location. Sure, the rewrite took learning 2 programming languages and several hours of my life that I’ll never get back. But the satisfaction of when it finally worked made it worth it.
Dev Diary 2020-07-07
Let’s talk about the Twitter API for a second. A tweet is not a “tweet,” it’s a “status”. If someone is following you, they are called a “follower”. If you follow them, in the API they’re called a “friend”. I can’t tell if it’s a cheerful sentiment, a historical anomaly, or developers writing independent parts of the API with no guiding naming spec. If you’ve worked on the Twitter API and have answers, there’s a free beer waiting for you.
Dev Diary 2020-07-06
Every time I learn about another thing that systemd does now (besides being an init system), I wonder how things could have been different. A more permissive license (to get the BSDs on-board), memory-safe language use, an approach that allowed better forward-compatibility. I walked miles while rolling this around in my head.
Dev Diary 2020-07-01
Statutory holidays are a fine time to pull a project idea out of the hat. Today I finally started to poke at Jitsi - something I’ve been meaning to do since we started doing podcasts remotely.