Dev Diary 2020-07-16
TIL there’s an Arctic Code Vault to hold open-source project code for 1,000 years. It’s a great sentiment, but given humanity’s track record of keeping older machine’s running, I suspect the humans in 1,000 years will have trouble getting the kernel to compile on their 80386 (well, at least any new ones since they dropped 80386 support a few versions ago).
I’m finally starting to get to the stage in my Go knowledge that I can reach for it instead of Ruby when I need to hack together a quick script. I needed to extract, massage, and classify a 200MB CSV file, and Go managed to rip through the file in half a second. I might try to hammer out a Ruby version just so I can have some benchmarks to post.
For funsies I hacked together an RSS library which I’ll drop into the CoffeeOutside bot as a feature for next week. I might open-source this one, but I’m going to figure out a new place to drop my open-source code besides GitHub first.
Cool Links
- Etcd, or why modern software makes me sad
- “C is not how the computer works” can lead to inefficient code