Dev Diary 2024-08-07
Now that I’m nearly done the awful work of migrating this blog’s handwritten Markdown into ox-hugo generated Markdown, I can start writing a post about the migration process, which I thought could be done in a couple evenings but turned into a week of tedious text munging.
My hope is that this “should” be the last time I’ll need to change markup, and that by moving this all into Org markup (which is a much richer format than Markdown), I can dump the site contents into whatever static website engine I want.
While Hugo has been ‘okay’ post-Pelican, it’s also turned into a thing which randomly breaks on upgrades and derails my desire to write anything at all. Which is a shame, since it turns out I rather enjoy the writing part. I dread the idea of spending a day getting my HTML templates working again, and will probably investigate Jekyll next time Hugo pukes on my meager site.