Motivated by laziness
Computers are the greatest inventions for lazy people ever. Just today, my wife ordered dinner while lying in bed. I’m a big fan of laziness through ingenuity, where clever design results in great reward for minimal effort.
Rocking Dual-Framebuffers with Linux
I’m a long-time desktop Linux user, and one of the big reasons I like it is that it allows you to use hardware that is typically considered ‘obsolete’. So many computers are needlessly thrown away because they don’t run the latest Windows, but that doesn’t mean you can’t squeeze another 4-5 years out of that hardware.
United In Failure
I enjoy flying. I actually dress up for the occasion because I still harbour the illusion that air travel should be a chic thing. However, the reality is that most flying is an ugly, non-romantic affair.
The Power of Postmortems
I’ve just had to write a postmortem for a problem that happened at work. The problem wasn’t too serious, but it was an avoidable issue. Nothing is a bigger bummer than when you see something that looks obvious in hindsight.
How Is Your Chess Game?
I just read a great article (linked to on the chess Stack Exchange), where the author Dan Heisman talks about the different levels of chess playing that one will generally engage in.
Using i18n in Sinatra
I’ve been playing a lot with Sinatra lately, and so far I’m pretty impressed with it. It works wonderfully for small operations, but there’s a few creature comforts missing, and one of them is internationalization (i18n for short). Fortunately, it’s possible to use the ‘i18n’ gem (which is used in Rails) to accomplish this.
Open Source and Video Games
Richard Stallman (aka RMS) recently just gave his kind-of/sort-of approval to closed source video games. To be honest, I’m surprised that he’s actually weighing the benefits against the harms (if only we could get more politicians doing that…)
I’m not sure if RMS is “giving his permission” or not, but I see a future with games on open systems as a Good Thing.
Open-source Project Wikis
Since its invention, the wiki has been an excellent tool to collectively gather loose information easily. Since the major project sites (e.g. SourceForge, GitHub) provide them, there’s been a trend for open-source projects to use wikis for documentation. Since wikis are so easy to add to, clearly this has solved the Open-Source documentation problem, right?
Fun with Binary-Coded Decimal
As part of a project I’m doing, I wrote a little Python library for doing binary-coded decimal.
What's Your I/O Bandwidth?
At a certain point as a developer, you begin to hit a plateau, where new concepts or techniques no longer produce the drastic increases in productivity you once experienced (such as the realization that you can do most of your job with a handful of well-written shell scripts).
You could learn a few more Vim tricks, or finally get around to learning Ruby. But there’s one thing that most developers don’t pursue, yet is beneficial in both programming and non-programming pursuits:
Go faster.
How to fix 404 errors on the CUPS web administration page
A bizarre bug I ran into today has lots of CUPS users scratching their head, but I’ve fortunately found the source of the problem.
A Linux Shell Script With An Effective Locking Mechanism Using /proc
I recently had to write a Bash shell script that had locking capabilities, and I couldn’t find any decent examples online that would do the trick. My colleague Laurie showed me this example that works pretty well.
Why Some Forks Suck
I created a patch for the ERP software package WebERP ( Now - for those of you who are paying attention, the SourceForge page where you download the source for this project is (notice the dash). What do you get when you accidentally leave out the dash in the SourceForge page? A fork that has the website (notice the dash).
LinuxCon Vancouver 2011
I did a talk at the 2011 LinuxCon in Vancouver. I met a lot of cool folks, saw a lot of cool technology, and had an absolute blast. I took notes during the whole event, and put them up for posterity.