Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Rust”
Dev diary
Dev Diary 2020-07-08
The new CoffeeOutside bot has finally managed to successfully call its first location. Sure, the rewrite took learning 2 programming languages and several hours of my life that I’ll never get back. But the satisfaction of when it finally worked made it worth it.
Rust, Dreamhost shared hosting, and FastCGI
I’ve been playing with Rust recently, and one of the things I wanted to do with it is get it running on Dreamhost’s shared hosting. After a bit of monkeying around, I got a little demo working with FastCGI.
On learning Rust
After 2 previous attempts, I finally managed to cram the Rust language into my head. It took several full days and reading the Rust Programming Language to grok what was going on, but I’m confident I’ll be getting the time investment back in the coming months.
Dev diary
Dev Diary 2018-12-10
I’ve been a little too much in my comfort zone programming-wise, so I’m thinking I might take a stab at re-writing the CoffeeOutside bot in Go. I’d like to see others be able to use it, and as it stands right now you kind of need to be a Python developer to get it. Moving to Go would cut several steps off the install process.
The Bryan Cantrill video below is stirring my interest in Rust again, but I think that’s going to have to wait until 2019 when I’ve knocked a few projects off my to-do list.