Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Vim”
Dev diary
Dev Diary 2020-01-02
It’s time for New Year’s resolutions, so I’m going with something I’ve put off for a while, and that’s finally switching to hjkl for moving around Vim. Oh sure, I could learn another programming language or something, but hjkl just seems like a change that I’ll appreciate the rest of my life.
Chocolate and Peanut Butter, Vim and Emacs
Years ago, as I stumbled through my first real programming job, I started paying attention to my text editor. You can run through a haze of text editors before you get Serious About a Text Editor. I had tried nano, kate, and a whole bunch of others that I can’t recall the names of anymore, but my first Serious Text Editor where I actually read the manual was Gedit.
Now, how do you guess I came upon Gedit?